Handstand Comp

As my brother and I both embarked on our travels last year, we thought it would be fun to have a handstand competition around the world. As he went east and I went west (from Australia), we began capturing ourselves up-side-down in some of most amazing places on the globe. It’s safe to say Andrew beat me but our handstand days are not over and we keep up our tradition wherever we go. Take a look at our gymnastic skills!

Machu Piccu
Machu Picchu ~ Peru
Blue Mosque Istanbul
Blue Mosque ~ Istanbul
Tikal Mayan Ruins Guatamala
Tikal Mayan Ruins ~ Guatamala
Church in St Petersburg
Church of Spilled Blood ~ St Petersburg
La Libertad ~ El Salvador
Giants Causeway
Giants Causeway ~ Northern Ireland
Jesus Statue
Redeemer Statue ~ Rio
St Matthias Church ~ Budapest
Equator Line
Equator Line ~ Equador
Swedish Finnish Line
Border of Sweden & Finland
handstand Panama
San Blas Islands ~ Panama
handstand champagne
Champagne Vineyards ~ Epernay
handstand Paris
Eiffel Tower ~ Paris
handstand Venice
Grand Canal ~ Venice

2 responses to “Handstand Comp

  1. Good Gymnastics skills. I think I may have taken a few of these photos. I am sure you have heaps more to add to this.

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