An evening at ‘The Fat Duck’

We were lucky enough to secure a last minute reservation at Heston Blumenthal’s ‘The Fat Duck’. Awarded the highest Michelin star rating of 3, we knew we were in for a treat! After a 40 minute train ride from London and a quick cab ride to Bray High Street, we were greeted by the very attentive, extremely friendly staff who ushered us to our table to begin our 13 course tasting menu.

Capturing and exploring all five senses, one by one we were blown away with the thought, presentation, explanation and (of course) the taste of the dish. Without giving too much away to fellow foodies who haven’t had the chance to taste Heston’s unconventional cooking, our evening began with a palette cleanser like no other. A spoonful of mousse placed in liquid nitrogen for a few seconds and then sprinkled with mystical raspberry powder. The waitress instructed me to place the whole ‘blob’ in my mouth and bite down. The sensation of  ice, citrus and the simultaneous soft/hard texture had my taste buds in a frenzy and cleansed ready for the next 12 courses.

Constantly pushing the boundaries and evolving, we spent minutes discussing each dish and trying to understand how Heston thought of the dish and how many hours were spent bringing it to life. We tried dishes that took us back to our childhood, while another had us dreaming of a stroll along the beach- pictures and words don’t do his creations any justice. You just have to try it for yourself!

Next stop – his London restaurant ‘Dinner’ at the Mandarin Oriental. Can’t wait to see his creations, understand his inspiration and see the execution.

Scroll down the page only if you’re happy to see his creations…. I don’t want to spoil it for anyone.

Searching in the Woods for Truffles

Mad Hatter’s Tea Party

Sounds of the Sea


Wine Extravaganza

Whiskey Gums

Kid in a candy shop sweets

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