Carnevale di Venezia

Every once in a while it’s nice to splash out on a luxurious weekend away. In this case I’m referring to a wonderful weekend in Venice to coincide with the popular Carnevale Di Venezia, a traditional festival celebrated annually. History suggests that this festival originates in the 12th century but its popularity declined in the 18th century. Fortunately the government brought back the festival in the late 70’s and today people from around the world travel to Venice to dress up in colourful extravagant costumes and traditional Venetian masks to celebrate this magnificent carnival.

Here’s a peak at our lavish weekend at Carnevale di Venezia-

masks for venice carnivale

Masks purchased ready for the carnevale

Dressed and Masked ready for the evening ahead

Dressed and masked ready for the masquerade ball

venice carnevale costumes

Stunning costumes parading around St Mark’s Square

venice carnival costumes

My favourite partner costume

venice carnival costumes

Another beautiful costume

hotel danieli sunday lunch

Carnevale Sunday Lunch at the famous Hotel Danieli

gondola ride

Gondola ride in costume

If you’re planning to travel to Venice for the next carnival here’s a few helpful hints to help you create a fantastic, memorable festival experience (just like us!).

Costume hire in Venice can be expensive and stressful so if possible hiring your costumes in your home country is the best option. The purchasing of a Venetian mask is a fun way to jazz up your costume once in Venice.

Gala dinners and other events often book out in advance so do you research and book up early. There are expensive galas and cheaper events depending on your budget. Tickets and a full calendar of events can be viewed at Venice Carnevale official website

Accommodation in Venice is expensive so you can only imagine how quickly and dear accommodation is during carnevale. Do your research and book something close (but not too close) to St Mark’s square where most of the free events take place. Obviously the closer you are to St Mark’s square the more expensive but you don’t want to be walking from Piazza Roma everyday.

Safety at all carnivals is important. Venice is renowned for pickpockets so watch your valuables.

Enjoy ‘la dolce vita’ in Venezia!

3 responses to “Carnevale di Venezia

  1. I have been in Venice, but in January when there are barely any tourists. It must be crazy experience to be there during the festival..

    • You have no idea, St Mark’s Square was packed from front to back. If you liked Venice I would recommend going again to the carnival. It was so much fun and the whole city comes alive, unbelievable vibe.

  2. I live Venice, but I hate being around so may people. In January, when I had walk at the evening, there were noone on St Mark’s square. It was so nice, the whole square was just for me:D Well, maybe someday I will find the courage to go there during the festival..

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