Top 7 things to see in Muscat


Muscat, nestled in the valley of the hajjar mountains forming a beautiful contrast of bare mountain ranges, ancient forts and a stunning coastline. Oman, not the richest gulf country but rich in natural beauty and perfect for a relaxing, less touristy holiday for sun seekers. Here’s my top 7 things to see in Muscat –

Number 7- Souk

Stock up on souvenirs, nik naks and middle eastern treasures at the many shops and stalls located in the souks on Al Bahri Road. A great place to walk around and take in the hustle and bustle of traditional life of many Omanis. Don’t forget to barter!

Number 6- Incense Burner Tower

The incense tower is located just up from the souks along the Al Bahri Road. Walking along the gorgeous seaside promenade you’ll notice a white dome perched up on a hill. The tower provides a great view of the surrounding area, mountain ranges and busy port.

Incent Tower Muscat

Incense Tower

Number 5- Royal Opera House

The striking, grand building home to the Royal Opera and much more. With a 110,000 capacity theatre, art gallery and opera galleria full of boutiques and cafes. If you don’t have a chance to see a performance a quick wander around the beautiful building is a must.

Royal Opera House - Muscat

Royal Opera House

Number 4- Kargeen Kafe

An oasis of lush gardens and relaxing lounges the Kargeen Kafe is a great place to visit anytime of the day. Open 7am-1am it caters to the early birds, coffee lovers, ladies that lunch, after work drinkers and lounge-chilling shisha sessions. Located in the affluent western area the food is a mixture of traditional and western inspired dishes. Indulge in a lamb kota served on a hot grill while trying some hubby-bubbly (shisha) and enjoy the serenity of the peaceful surroundings.

Kargeen Kafe

Kargeen Kafe

Lamb Kora Grill

Lamb Kota Grill

Number 3- Sultan Qaboos Mosque

Islam being the most important faith in Oman there are plenty of mosques scattered around the capital. The grand mosque, Sultan Qaboos Mosque, is the only mosque that is open to non-muslim visitors. Its impressive structure, gardens, interior is worth a look but be sure to dress very conservatively, including head scarf and long trousers/skirts to ensure entrance. Opening times to tourists are 8-11am.

Sultan Qaboos Mosque

Sultan Qaboos Mosque

Number 2 – Beachside resorts

There are two main beachside areas in Muscat where most of the resort hotel chains are located. You’ll find the likes of Intercontinental, Hyatt and Crown Plaza in Al Qurum area while the Shangri La and Sheraton are located on the other side of town. This resorts are all positioned perfectly on the coastline with exclusive and private beaches, making it comfortable to relax in western clothing and soak up the rays.

beaches muscat

Pristine beaches

Al Qurum beachside

Al Qurum beachside

Number 1 – Old town and palace

Definitely not the oldest town but this beautiful ‘old town’ of Muscat has been redeveloped into the home of the Sultan. Perfectly located on the old port not only can you see the impressive palace but there are plenty of old Portuguese forts to view. Also look out for writing on the rocks in the old port. This was the way they documented the ships stopping by years and centuries ago.

sultan's palace

Sultan’s Palace and old town

old port muscat

Old Port Forts

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